
Senator Nelson Recognizes CASA Volunteers at Capitol

Dozens of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) converged on the State Capitol this week to raise awareness about child abuse and neglect. Senator Nelson sponsored SR 208 recognizing the work of this organization, which helps neglected and abused children through the legal process. "The legal system can be a scary place for young children, which is why more than 5,000 CASA volunteers throughout Texas are so committed to being there every step of the way," Senator Nelson said.


Discussions Under Way on Federal Stimulus

The federal government's massive stimulus package includes $16.9 billion available to the State of Texas. Now the Legislature must consider if and how much of these funds it will accept. "We are in the process of reviewing the stimulus and determining what kind of strings are attached to these funds. Philosophically, I do not think Texas should help the federal government go deeper into debt. Nor do I want these dollars -- which come from the pockets of Texas taxpayers -- going to states that have run up enormous deficits," Senator Nelson said.


Bill Spotlight: SB 279 by Senator Nelson Protecting Military Parental Rights

Among the bills filed by Senator Nelson this session is a proposal to preserve the custody rights of military parents who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan. SB 279 states that the courts may not consider absences associated with military service overseas as grounds for awarding custody. "There are many factors that go into awarding custody, but never should honorable military service be grounds to deny a parent access to their children," she said. "Unfortunately, some of our military are returning home to broken families. We want to make sure their service is honored -- not used against them in court.


Denton County Delegation Visits Texas Capitol

A delegation of civic and business leaders from Denton County converged on the State Capitol this week for Denton County Days with the goal of bringing attention to transportation, economic development, education and other issues of importance to the Metroplex. "This is a critically important session for our region. Our regional economy is driving the state economy forward, every lawmaker needs to understand the challenges we face in North Texas," Senator Nelson said. "I was heartened to see such a strong contingent from Denton County talking to my colleagues about the issues important to us."


Senate Finance Committee Questions Tuition Increases

Senator Nelson and other members of the Senate Finance Committee this week heard testimony from representatives of the state's institutions of higher learning. Members particularly questioned millions in bonuses paid by one university to endowment fund managers while at the same time raising tuition by 42 percent. Watch local news coverage of the hearing.


Reform Plan Seeks Protection for Developmentally Disabled

Senator Nelson today introduced SB 643, seeking stronger protections for Texans with developmental disabilities. "We must never tolerate the abuse or neglect of our most vulnerable citizens," she said. "These special Texans deserve to be protected and treated with dignity and respect. That is the goal of this legislation." SB 643, declared emergency legislation today by Governor Rick Perry, establishes an Office of Independent Ombudsman to audit state schools twice a year and serve as a confidential intermediary for parents, clients and guardians.


Senator Nelson Re-Appointed Chair of Senate Health Panel

Senator Nelson was re-appointed as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services, according to committee assignments handed down by the Lieutenant Governor, who also re-appointed her to the Finance, Government Organization and Nominations committees. "I am honored to continue serving as Chairman and am ready to press ahead with our efforts to make Texas a healthier state," she said.