
Texas Economy Continues Garnering National Attention

National publications continue to note the strength of the Texas economy during the downturn. Forbes included all four major Texas metropolitan areas in the "Top 10 Recession-Proof cities to Retire In." Moody's Economy named seven Texas metro areas in their list of the first cities to emerge from recession, and the Brookings Institute listed six Texas cities in its Top 20 Metro Areas. National Review recently credited Texas small government and low tax environment with attracting jobs and companies from around the nation. The Lone Star State is home to more Fortune 500 companies than any other state in the nation and is the nation's top exporting state. "Texas has been faring better than most other states in this tough national economy," said Senator Nelson. "Our hard work in economic development, combined with our low tax burden and low cost of living, have enabled us to weather the storm better than many other states."

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