
Military Custody Legislation Advances in Texas Senate

The Senate Committee on Jurisprudence has unanimously approved SB 279 by Senator Nelson, protecting the rights of military personnel deployed overseas. SB 279 amends the Family Code to prohibit a parent's military service from being used as the sole factor in modifying a custody order. Current law states that if a parent relinquishes custody for more than 6 months, courts can consider it abandonment and modify custody. There are more than 140,000 single parents in the military at risk of having their custody rights altered while they are deployed overseas. Testifying in support of SB 279 were the American Legion and advocates for military parents who have returned from duty to find their custody rights have been abridged. "When our service men and women deploy, they are not abandoning their children. They are serving our country. That service should be honored -- not used against them in family court," Senator Nelson said.

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